Why you should be walking during pregnancy blog, pregnancy, Instagram ReelsLeslie RodriguezMay 28, 2024Pregnancy exercise, pregnancy, blogComment
Exercise during the second trimester blog, pregnancyLeslie RodriguezMarch 31, 2024first trimester exercise, Pregnancy exercise, Pregnancy fitnessComment
Exercise during the first trimester blog, pregnancyLeslie RodriguezJanuary 29, 2024first trimester exercise, Pregnancy exercise, Pregnancy fitnessComment
Two Pelvic Floor Exercises To Improve Strength + Function Instagram Reels, workouts, Postpartum, pregnancyLeslie RodriguezApril 12, 2023workout, blogComment
Can I lift weights during pregnancy? Instagram Reels, blog, pregnancyLeslie RodriguezMarch 8, 2023Pregnancy fitness, pregnancy, prenatal fitnessComment
How to get in and out of bed after giving birth to protect your core pregnancyLeslie RodriguezNovember 15, 2022pregnancy, PostpartumComment
What you're missing in your pregnancy (IG Reel) Instagram Reels, pregnancy, workoutsLeslie RodriguezSeptember 17, 2022Pregnancy fitness
Eercises to reduce low back and hip pain during pregnancy (IG Reel) Instagram Reels, pregnancy, workoutsLeslie RodriguezSeptember 17, 2022Pregnancy exercise, pregnancyComment
Belly Coning During Pregnancy + Postpartum (IG Reel) Instagram Reels, Postpartum, pregnancyLeslie RodriguezAugust 31, 2022blogComment
My belly cones/pops during exercise blog, Postpartum, pregnancyLeslie RodriguezJune 16, 2022blog, diastasis recti Comment
Navigating the first trimester (Changes + Exercise) pregnancy, blogLeslie RodriguezApril 18, 2022Pregnancy fitness, Pregnancy exercise, prenatal fitness, blogComment
Labor out of bed (positions & exercises) Youtube Workout, blog, pregnancyLeslie RodriguezMarch 9, 2022Pregnancy exercise, blogComment
Exercising with Diastasis Recti blog, Postpartum, pregnancy, workoutsLeslie RodriguezOctober 20, 2021blog, diastasic rectiComment
How to connect to your deep core - TVA Cues blog, Postpartum, pregnancy, workoutsLeslie RodriguezMay 14, 2021Pregnancy fitness, postpartum rehab, postpartum exercise, postpartum fitnessComment
How to check for diastasis recti blog, Postpartum, pregnancyLeslie RodriguezMay 5, 2021diastasic rectiComment
Exercise during the second trimester blog, pregnancyLeslie RodriguezApril 16, 2021Pregnancy fitness, pregnancy, blogComment
Exercise during the first trimester blog, pregnancyLeslie RodriguezApril 9, 2021prenatal fitness, Pregnancy exercise, pregnancy, blogComment
What Is a Birth Doula? My Interview With a Doula blog, pregnancyLeslie RodriguezDecember 14, 2020Blog, Birthdoula, childbirthComment
When to stop exercising during pregnancy blog, pregnancyLeslie RodriguezOctober 2, 2020pregnancy, prenatal fitnessComment
Is it okay to lay on my back during pregnancy? pregnancy, blogLeslie RodriguezOctober 2, 2020Pregnancy fitness, pregnancyComment