Exercising with Diastasis Recti

When exercising with Diastasis Recti there are 4 key things to focus on

1️⃣ Learn how to manage intra abdominal pressure 

2️⃣ Practice proper breathing mechanics, such as diaphragmatic breathing, TVA activation and pelvic floor release and contractions. 

3️⃣ Load your core in different ways. This means challenging your muscles and increasing tension in the fascia by going beyond heel slides and leg marches. This can look like doing exercises in all planes and can be done after step 1️⃣ & 2️⃣ are set in place. 

4️⃣ Play with movement. Yes, it can feel scary moving your body in ways you’ve been told to avoid. Specially if you’ve read lists of exercises to avoid that have left you with a lot of fear in worsening it. But the truth is you will never know how your body will respond until you try it.

Trust your body, try the move/workout and simply see how it goes. Throughout the exercise pay attention to how your body responds and adjust when needed.

What questions do you have about exercising with Diastasis Recti?

Schedule a free 20 minute consultation to learn more about exercising with DR.