Recover postpartum (8-week recovery plan) Postpartum, blogLeslie RodriguezJanuary 25, 2023postpartum rehab, postpartum recovery, postpartum fitness, on demand classes, diastasic recti, pelvic floorComment
It's not about the exercise with Diastasis Recti (IG Reel) Leslie RodriguezSeptember 28, 2022diastasic recti, pelvic floor
How your core and pelvic floor are connected (IG Reel) Leslie RodriguezSeptember 28, 2022diastasic recti, pelvic floor, educationComment
What your pelvic floor is in charge of ( 5 functions of the pelvic floor) blogLeslie RodriguezNovember 22, 2021pelvic floorComment